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It is humbling to have a patient with devastating illness, and despite all the years of education and training, be helpless in finding the cause and treatment for the illness. Dr. Gilbere researched her problem from the alternative-medicine viewpoint and began treatment. The results were incontrovertible! I was astounded! I can verify her remarkable results and encourage both mainstream and alternative medicine professionals to consider leaky guy syndrome when faced with a baffling complex of patients. Merry Alto, M.D. President, Washington State College of Emergency Physicians

Take a detailed journey from the onset of the author’s illness, through the innovative testing methods that identified her condition, and the non-drug therapies that facilitated her wellness — naturally. Included are eight original anatomical illustrations that clearly demonstrate the interaction of the digestion system and its relationship to the disorders described.

I was Poisoned by my body is the first in a series of health-related books written by Dr. Gilbere and published by Lucky Press. It provides invaluable information for patients diagnosed with:

Chronic Fatigue
Auto-Immune Disorders
Food Allergies
Liver Dysfunction
Migraine Headaches

Topics covered:

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome
Autointoxication: How the Body Poisons Itself
Gut Reactions
Why We Develop Multiple Allergic Responses
How Did I Get This Way Knowledge of the Cause is Power Over the Disease
Identifying the Problem: Uncovering What Traditional Diagnosis Does Not
Healing the Leaky Gut Naturally: Not Medicine as Usual
Emotional Support
My book will assist you in the natural non-drug solutions to heal and repair damage from prescription drugs, years of health-depleting dietary choices, and chemically-induced immune system disorders.

by Dr. Gloria Gilbere, N.D., D.A.Hom., Ph.D.

I Was Poisoned By My Body

SKU: 2004


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    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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